Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Fun physics links

Here are two blogs I have recently discovered: An American Physics Student in England and Built on Facts. Maybe I should have a little more focus on my blogging, then I could fill this place will little physics insights. Maybe. We'll see what I might do in the future, lately I have only been making drafts for posts that I never finish.

I also found out that (of course) the world's most famous high energy physics band Les Horribles Cernettes have a homepage (with wonderful retro design, gives me 90's nostalgia). Check them out YouTube as well, and make sure to see the great Collider video: lab pictures and beautiful computers (and a good song).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the kind mention! One of my favorite things about blogging is noticing an incoming link and discovering that it's from a great blog that I'll enjoy visiting myself. The interview with with Peter Watts is particularly great - I'm an SF fan myself, though I don't have time to read as much as I'd like now.